Crystal Freeman
Crystal Freeman, Bellus Academy, Manhattan, Kan.
A military wife and expectant mom, nurturing comes naturally to Crystal who wants to inspire other mothers to take care of themselves. And as she awaits her family’s new arrival, she is particularly grateful for the scholarship. “The Murad scholarship will ease the financial stress as we await our baby and help us avoid additional the stress brought on by loans,” she said. Giving comes naturally to Crystal who wants to use her esthetic skills to help others feel more confident.
I am a military wife and a first time mother to be, I am currently 34 weeks pregnant, and this scholarship would help tremendously financially. Being a military wife , I am far away from family so I don’t get that extra help when I need it. With a newborn on the way, any of the extra money we save goes towards preparing for his arrival. So with this scholarship it would ease that stress of using any loans in the future. Before finding out I was pregnant I wanted to go onto this career because I love people and I am naturally a giver and I love to give to people. Now that I have been on this pregnancy journey, more has come to light. I want to inspire other mothers to keep themselves a priority, in order to provide the best we need to feel our best.